Welcome to Suffering Christians Foundation

hands formed together with red heart paint

Our Mission

Suffering Christians Foundation was established to provide critical life savings support to suffering Christians throughout the world. The Foundation works to ensure those most critically in need for food, shelter and medical care, can receive support and anywhere across the world.

What we do

Suffering Christians Foundation is improving the lives of vulnerable and persecuted people in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and wherever the Suffering is throughout the world. We provide vital emergency relief for the young and elderly, while helping those suffering take action to assist themselves through sustainable future development and empowerment.

How to Help?

Donate through QR code
Donate via debit/credit card
Donate via ApplePayCashApp or GooglePay

Click here to Donate Today and Make a change

Get in Touch

Interested in volunteering time or resources in support of the foundation? Please send us a note.

Looking to submit an application for emergency support from us?  Please send us a request for more information.

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About us

Suffering Christians Foundation was founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to, provide relief efforts in the form of food, shelter and medical care to those suffering around the world